With Two I was expanding upon the work with projected video that I began in a commission for Ricochet Dance Theater, London, in 2001, P.O.V. For both I experimented with three categories of projections: 1) Live video from onstage cameras, operated by the performers; 2) Found film fragments;; and 3) Pre-recorded video of my source movement improvisations with which individual dancers performed in unison. For that last category I was expanding upon my technique of collecting movement material “verbatim” from videotaped improvisations. I worked with videographer Charles Dennis, who filmed me in a tight shot of my upper body, which was used for the projections, while a stationary camera filmed the improvisation in a wide shot that revealed my full body, which the performers and I used to learn the movement.
In titling the work Two I was gesturing toward - and hoping to undermine - dualistic, either/or, thinking. I wanted to offer a layered sensory experience without privileging any one “right” way to view the work.
Choreography: Neil Greenberg
Performed by: Ori Flomin, Phithsamay Linthahane, Justine Lynch, Antonio Ramos
Video Design: Charles Dennis and Neil Greenberg
Lighting: Michael Stiller
Music and Acoustic Harp: Zeena Parkins
Music Samples from: Ennio Morricone, Nino Rota, Carl Stalling
Zeena Parkins’ acoustic harp recorded by: David Kean at Audities
Don Daniels, Ballet Review, 2003
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